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Accounts Receivable Specialists

Carmen Lawrence
Carmen Lawrence Accounts Receivable Specialist
Carmen Lawrence Carmen Lawrence Accounts Receivable Specialist

Receive Free Domestic Ground Freight

There are three ways to receive free ground freight:

Enroll in EFT program and all of your orders qualify.

If your order is larger than $1,500 and your account is paid within 30 days. *Does not apply to "credit card" terms

If you are a column 4, 5, or 6 dealer and your account is paid within 30 days. *Does not apply to "credit card" terms

Free Freight

Entré/VR Monthly Billing FAQ

Purpose: This FAQ will answer dealer questions pertaining to monthly billing of DMP software support

Overview: Effective August 1, 2022, all Entre and SCS-VR support will be billed monthly. On the first day of each month, one (1) invoice containing all active licenses will be delivered to each dealer via email (same way that all other invoices are delivered). Support is billed in advance -- August invoice will be for August support. The monthly amount billed will be the annual amount divided by twelve (12) months (rounded).

Yes. This can be done through Dealer Account. Go to “Users”, “License Contacts” and click the button to “Add Contact”. Any person in the License Contact List in Dealer Account will receive a copy of the monthly invoice. Dealer Account admin users at the dealer or DMP AR team members can add “interested parties” in Dealer Account. If you need assistance, contact DMP AR.

Each month, dealers will be emailed one (1) invoice containing all active licenses. Each license will have a separate billing record. If a dealer has 10 different software licenses, they will receive an invoice that contains 10 different items on the invoice, and so forth.

For licenses that have been prepaid, all billing details for the license AND the support expiration date will be included with each monthly invoice. There will be no monthly charge for prepaid licenses UNTIL the support expires.

In the month that prepaid support expires, the support amount billed will be prorated from the date of expiration to the end of the month.

For further information, see “How to calculate prorated support?

For all future Entre/SCS-VR license purchases, monthly support billing begins on the first day of the month after purchase. The first month invoice will contain a prorated amount from date of purchase to end of month plus the current month. For example, Entre purchased July 20. No support is charged on July 20 purchase invoice. The August 1 monthly support invoice will include prorated support for July 21 – 31 PLUS full month of August.

Yes. In the email containing the monthly invoice, there will be a link for dealers to sign up for and manage autopayment. Autopay can be made via ACH or credit card. Each month, a few days after the invoice is delivered, payment will be automatically initiated. The dealer does not have to do anything once autopay is set up. Dealers can cancel autopay any time using the link to autopay in their monthly invoice.

Dealers can use the link (it contains a unique token) in the monthly invoice email to initiate or cancel autopay. The software support autopay system does NOT have access to cards stored in CMS – 2 separate systems.

AUTOPAY ONLY APPLIES TO SOFTWARE SUPPORT INVOICES. We do not have the ability to support autopay for any other invoices.

Yes. All “interested parties” at the dealer will receive past due notices. To add “interested parties” for additional notification, see “Can we add people at the dealer as “interested parties” to receive monthly support invoices and past due notices?”.

These licenses will automatically be marked as cancelled (dead) licenses in our support database. If the dealer requires support or software update in the future, they will be required to purchase a new license.

From 8/1/22 to 7/31/23, those licenses with prepaid annual support that expires in the middle of the month will be billed a prorated amount in the month of expiration. For example, if support expires 8/20/22, the 8/1/22 monthly invoice will bill support for 8/21/22 – 8/31/22. That is 11 days of support.

EXAMPLE Calculation for prorated support is:

(Total Monthly Support/31 days in August) * 11 days = Prorated Support for August.

$21.10 Entre Business Monthly support / 31 days in August * 11 support days in August from 8-21 to 8-31 = 7.49 prorated August amount.

After August, the support will be billed 21.10/month.

The ONLY exception is EFT customers – their terms will be 15 days from invoice date. Dealers with EFT terms should NOT utilize the autopay feature for software support.

For dealers that have no licenses being billed because they are all prepaid, we will generate a STATEMENT that will include all licenses and their support expiration dates.

For dealers who wish to cancel their software license, Dealers will go to the Software License Cancellation Acknowledgement form found in the “License” tab in Dealer Account. If you don’t know where the form is, contact DMP AR – . Dealer will sign this form indicating the dealer no longer uses the license and that license will no longer receive support or software updates. If, in the future, the dealer needs support or updates, the dealer will be required to purchase a new license.

If Dealer has previously cancelled a software license (or did not respond to our request for information by July 31, 2022) and then has a support request, DMP will require the dealer to purchase a new license.

Enroll in the Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) program to qualify for free freight.