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How to Provide Video Monitoring Without Added Labor and Reduce False Alarm Fees

Video cameras record evidence of what happened, providing days and days of video to comb through when a security event occurs. They show us what happened, but only after the fact.

Video monitoring is a useful service monitoring centers can offer to ensure customers that their premises are always being protected. With video verification services, monitoring centers need to have operators available to view the video 24/7. Setting this up can be complicated and operators have to juggle different kinds of software. Now you can save labor and put cameras to work with a single device.

New video technology uses analytics to help cameras identify what is showing up in their field of view. Taking this a step further is AlarmVision®, a detection technology that enables video analytics integration with the intrusion control panel. This truly integrated system allows cameras to talk to the panel natively. When a security event occurs, all information from the system and the cameras is sent to the monitoring center and to the end user.

How does this work? AlarmVision turns existing cameras into smart motion detectors with the addition of one, easy-to-use XV Gateway. DMP introduced the XV-24 with AlarmVision in 2023 and has recently expanded the video gateways product line. XV Gateways with AlarmVision bring analytics to any IP camera system, turning those simple cameras into powerful alarm detection devices.

XV Gateways include three models: the XV-24, XV-60 and XV-96. The XV-24 is ideal for everyday security and standard network configurations. The XV-60 and XV-96 are enhanced for security configurations designed with advanced network management in mind. They include Dual NIC, increased megapixel support and additional internal storage. More megapixels of processing power allows you to add more cameras or higher resolution cameras to the network.

Reduce False Alarms

In traditional intrusion systems, motion sensors monitor open areas, but they are highly prone to false alarms and can be easily defeated. With video analysis of the event instead, the subject of the motion is determined before sending the alarm to the monitoring center. Using video analytics in this way virtually eliminates false alarms. Cameras become smart motion detectors able to trigger actions and alarms, the same way an intrusion sensor would.

AlarmVision uses analytics to determine a real alarm condition in real time. Custom notifications let your customers know what is happening as it happens. Instead of alerts about moving leaves, shadows and light, they’ll receive notifications about people, vehicles or animals. This technology detects the motion events that matter, thus drastically reducing false alarms and the penalty fees associated with them.

In addition to reducing false alarms, AlarmVision reduces false alerts to the customer. Fewer notifications mean the customer is more likely to use their system the way it’s intended, rather than disabling it after feeling like it’s an inconvenience.

Enhance Existing Systems

AlarmVision seamlessly integrates with XR Series panels. There’s no need to replace existing cameras. Adding this one product to an IP camera system turns those simple cameras into powerful alarm detection devices, allowing you to bring advanced analytics and video verification to systems already installed.

Dual NIC is available on the XV-60 and XV-96, so you can connect the Gateway to more than one network at a time. For example, if your customer’s cameras are on a private video network, you can use one network connection for the control panel and one network connection for cameras.

Another way to implement AlarmVision in systems with motion detectors is to cross zone them with the camera zones. If the motion detector is tripped, but the analytics aren’t, then you’ll know it wasn’t a person. This reduces false alarms and improves security service offerings, giving you the opportunity to increase RMR.

Easy Installation

It’s surprisingly simple to put existing cameras to work. XV Gateways are compatible with ONVIF cameras and set up is all in Dealer Admin, the system management software DMP dealers already use. You can specify up to four zones per camera, and program and adjust them remotely. Different zones on one camera can even be on different schedules. Simply define the zones in the camera’s field of view, specify person, vehicle or animal and indicate when the activity will trigger a response.

Video actions can trigger alarms, sirens, lights and other outputs. The arming status of the control panel is a factor in determining the alarm condition. Settings are integrated with the alarm system schedule, so alerts can be disabled when the system is disarmed if desired. In this case, since the video is integrated with the panel, you’ll only receive notifications when the system is armed. Recorded clips are included with the event notification for easy video verification via the end user or the monitoring center.

XV Gateways connect to the internal network so the communication with the control panel works even if the internet is down. Monitor multiple areas of a room at different times with a single camera. AlarmVision can replace motion detectors in new installations.

AlarmVision. Real Events. Real Time. Real Response.

Revolutionize the role of video in security. Bring advanced analytics that detect a person, vehicle or animal and give conventional IP cameras the ability to trigger actions and alarms. Thousands of cameras are already in the field. Make them part of the security system like never before while drastically reducing nuisance notifications and false alarms. You can start using XV Gateways today with any customers who already have cameras installed. AlarmVision identifies real events in real time for a real response.

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