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DMP Reduces Price for Popular SCS-1R Central Station Receiver

Dealers Encouraged to Experience the Technology Advantages of SCS-1R

Digital Monitoring Products (DMP) has reduced the price of its SCS-1R Central Station Receiver to encourage both its dealers and any Whole Sale Central Station (DMP Terms apply) to experience the communication advantages it provides. Dealers can now purchase the receiver for several hundred dollars less than the previous lowest price.

"Our central station customers each differentiate themselves by providing services that are different or better than the competition," said Vice President of Sales, Jeff McAleer. "We listen to the needs of our customers and support their service differentiation with innovative technology that provides tangible benefits. While some people feel that all IP communication products are the same, we think the SCS-1R proves the contrary. We're lowering the price to encourage our dealers to discover the DMP difference for themselves."

When talking to DMP receivers, DMP panels provide powerful functionality not available from competitors' equipment:

  • Panel trapping, enabling effortless, unattended panel programming updates on the next panel call in.
  • Alphanumeric messages with zone, area, and user names always synced through automation software, limiting wrong dispatches and liability.
  • Automatic Daylight Savings Time updates, eliminating panel software changes during time changes.

The SCS-R1 can receive encrypted signals from the panel over the IP or the GPRS network seamlessly. DMP Adaptive Technology? automatically and instantly switches to alternate communication paths if the current path becomes unavailable. It adapts to the best possible path with no interruption of service or polling, no events logged, and no runner required. These features are UL approved and listed.

DMP is a privately held independent manufacturer of innovative intrusion, fire, access control, network and cellular communication products that are designed and made in the United States of America. DMP is the recognized leader in alarm communication over data networks, with products that are available through professional electronic security companies. For more information, contact Melissa Pitfield at (800) 641-4282, or visit

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