World-Class Training for You and Your Employees
With our vast training options, you and your employees can gain intensive product knowledge, sales insights and leadership training through online courses or in person training at DMP headquarters.
Online Training From Wherever You Are
Become more competent and confident in your DMP product knowledge with online, on-demand courses in our Learning Management System (LMS).
Meet the Training Team

David Peebles
Vice President of Training

Timothy Nissen
Director of Field Technical Training

Luke Barnhart
Regional Training Manager, Northeast/MidAtlantic

Dean DaDante
Regional Training Manager, Florida/Vertical

Mark Matysiak
Senior On-Site Support Specialist

Matthew McDonald
Regional Training Manager, Southeast
- Southeast

Derric Roof
Regional Training Manager, Southwest and Southern California

Robert Spencer
Regional Training Manager, Central California/LA

Chris Warren
Regional Training Manager, Northwest/Northern California

Joshua Locke
Regional Training Manager, Central States/Lower Mississippi

Franco Pacific
Regional Training Manager, New York/New England

Brian Butterfield
Regional Training Manager, Great Lakes/Canada
- Great Lakes/Canada

Brenda Michalak
Customer Service Representative

Jason Hooge
Training Development Manager

Victoria Webster
Training Development Specialist
Training Territory Map #