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Remote Link 1.92 is Here. Download Today.

This spring, DMP introduced the new DualCom Dual Alarm Communicators that provide ECP communication with Honeywell VISTA panels. Now with Remote Link Version 1.92 available for download, you have full programming capabilities on those Honeywell panels.

"This is an exciting upgrade opportunity," says Aaron McGhee, product manager for DMP control panels. “Now that we have full programming capabilities through the new DualCom and CellCom, our dealers can easily maintain VISTA panels they have taken over,” he says. “For example, if your customer needs to add a door contact, you’ll be able to easily add that zone and do the programming remotely."

By selecting ECP Passthrough on Remote Link Version 1.92, you have the ability to communicate with Honeywell’s COMPASS® downloading software, which will connect it to the appropriate panel for full programming. "You’ll use COMPASS to connect through the DMP communicator to remotely program in that new zone and send communication to the VISTA panel.”

This new solution also gives you a way to connect to older VISTA panels with dialer communicators only. “As phone lines drop out, now you have a way to add a device to those older panels and a way to program them. You don’t need to replace them or get a Honeywell device to do the job. The DMP communicator facilitates it for you.”

As before, your customers will have the flexibility to use their Virtual Keypad™ apps for the ultimate convenience in managing their systems.

For more details, view the documents below:

If you have any additional questions, please contact DMP Inside Sales at 877-757-4367 or

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